View 2025 Abundant Thanks Stewardship Letter
Printable 2025 Estimated Giving Plan Form
If you would like to make your estimate of giving online, click the links below or if you have a a Realm Connect account, you may also see below for instructions to make your estimate of giving through the Realm Connect app.
The General Operating Fund exists to pay all costs associated with operating SGUMC on a daily basis. This includes expenses incurred for music & worship; pastor & staff salaries and benefits; Christian formation; mission & evangelical outreach; administrative support and ongoing facilities maintenance. Income to offset these expenses is received through financial gifts pledged as part of SGUMC’s annual stewardship campaign as well as non-pledged financial gifts received through the Sunday morning offering and at other times throughout the year.
The Caring for Our House Fund exists to separately raise funds for periodic large maintenance expenditures such as new roofs, HVAC unit replacements, painting, alarm systems, etc. necessary to properly care for and maintain our existing facilities.
What is Realm Connect?
Realm Connect is an online ministry tool designed for real time connection. It helps our church connect with you and you connect with us. Realm Connect allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, and keep in touch with the groups that matter to you.
Need to signup for a Realm Connect account? Send us an EMAIL for more information.
Already have a Realm Connect account? You can make your pledge either through the Realm Connect app on your mobile device or logging in to your account through a browser.
Have questions? Email Pam Sweeney or Frank Basil or call the church office 804-360-2600
2. Select "Pledges" and then "Make a Pledge"
3. Select the campaign, repeat for multiple pledges
4. Enter required data, the total pledge shown will be based on your pledge and frequency to be given for the date range entered.
Click the "Save Pledge" button.
To pledge to multiple campaigns, enter all information, selecting each fund you wish to make a pledge for and click "Save Pledge" for each fund.
5. If you would also prefer to setup your giving online, you may do so through your Realm account. Just select "Giving" again at the bottom of the screen and then select "Make a gift"
6. Complete the giving form that is displayed, entering the amount of your gift, the fund you are donating towards, give once for a one time gift or give multiple times and select the frequency of your gift and end date to setup a recurring gift. Then click Continue to enter your payment information.
You may also go to the GIVE page to complete the Giving Form to setup your online giving.