Global Missions

Based on the “Great Commission”, one mission of Shady Grove United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Shady Grove does this through various means and we hope you will join us as we take direct responsibility for people of the world around our church, the community in which we and others study, work, shop, and play.

Through a simple shoebox gift with Operation Christmas Child, our congregation can help change the world, one life at time. Thank you to all who participated in Operation Christmas Child in 2023, especially those making jump ropes, sewing dresses and shorts, folding shoeboxes, putting together pencil bags, buying items, separating, sorting and prepping items, volunteering, and packing shoeboxes at the packing party, handing out shoeboxes, packing shoeboxes at home, carrying gift filled shoeboxes to the cars, and most importantly, praying for the children that will receive the shoeboxes. The Shady Grove family lovingly packaged 386 shoebox gifts at our packing party and at home and built another 26 shoebox gifts online. 412 children will learn of God’s love when they receive your shoebox gift and are given the chance to learn of the Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ. Visit the OCC WEBSITE to learn more or click HERE to watch a video.

Ways to Help with Operation Christmas Child in 2024

You may take part in any or all steps!

Step 1: Pray for the children who will receive these shoebox gifts and all involved.

Step 2: Purchase Items for Shoeboxes

Help us send over 450 shoeboxes to children around the world. Please consider donating items for the Shoebox Packing Party which is on October 20 from 5:00-6:30 pm. Purchase items on this AMAZON WISH LIST and have them sent directly to Shady Grove or if you prefer to shop at the store, please purchase Dolls, Toddler toys (ages 2-4), Coloring books (ages 5-14), School supplies (colored pencils, markers, pens, scissors, etc., NO notebooks or crayons needed). Items should be NEW and fit in a 12"x7"x4" shoebox. Items should be placed in the collection boxes at worship.

Step 3: Pack Shoeboxes

Be an international missionary without leaving Short Pump! Our shoebox gifts will be used by local churches worldwide to share God’s love and the Good News to children in need, changing lives and communities with the power of the Gospel. Here's how you can help:

  • Come pack shoeboxes at the packing party on Sunday, October 20 from 5:00-6:30 pm in the fellowship hall.
  • Pack shoeboxes at home. Pick up empty boxes at worship on November 3, 10, and 17, and return gift filled shoeboxes by 11/24 for dedication at worship services.
  • Pack a shoebox ONLINE and still include in our total of packed boxes. Link to be available soon.

In October the children and youth of Shady Grove UMC, as well as SGUMC Preschool and Center for Creative Arts, trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, the United National International Childrens' Emergency Fund. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began in 1950 as a way to help kids who need more than candy. Since then, children all over America have gone door-to-door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!" They have raised more than $170 million for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF since 1950. Funds collected will help provide children around the world with clean water, nutritious food, medicine, vaccines, and education. To see how pennies add up, $5 can buy a soccer ball for children in a refugee camp, and $30 can provide 100 children with a measles vaccine. The Power of Kids Helping Kids. Visit their WEBSITE.

Heifer International's mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. Gifting a cow or goat for milk, chickens or ducks for eggs, alpacas or llamas for wool, bees for honey, seeds for gardening, and more can change the lives of people around the world. We hope to empower families around the world to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity. For many years at our annual Palm Sunday petting zoo, Shady Grove has collected an offering for Heifer International. Children in Sunday School, COW, and G3 learn about other countries and how our gifts can make a difference. G3: Go, Grow, Give participants have a special interest in thoughtfully and prayerfully choosing which animal or resource to "gift" with the collected amount. Visit their WEBSITE.

For more information regarding the missions of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church, visit their WEBSITE.

Missionaries Supported by Shady Grove Around the World

Path Ministries/Otino Waa

Otino Waa is rescuing orphans and raising them up to become compassionate, capable leaders in Uganda. There are 2.5 million orphans in Uganda and Path Ministries is reaching them through Otino Waa (a home and school for orphans) and Community based care. Otino Waa has provided over 375 orphans with a safe, loving home, nutritious food, clean water, medical and dental care, and high quality education so they can be leaders in Uganda. They also partner with community schools so they can reach more children and people in the community. David and Laura Shuping are working with this great ministry. They will be organizing trips to Uganda if you have an interest. You can reach out to the Missions Council at Shady Grove or email Dave

Laura and Timo

Laura and Timo are currently serving the people in Finland. They are working with a pastor in Finland that serves the Congolese people as well as other pastors in the area. There is a great void in the knowledge of Christ in Finland and what it means to follow Him daily. They are on this journey to disciple the people of Finland with His word.

Eva and Lindsay

Lindsay, Eva and their two boys arrived in Eastern Europe in October of 2021, with plans to work with refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Several months after arriving, the war started in Ukraine, which impacted and altered much of what they were doing. Their host country suddenly started to receive large numbers of Ukrainians seeking safety. Lindsay and Eva’s primary ministry has been, until just recently, to pray for, encourage and serve (in practical ways) the Ukrainian refugees and, to provide member care for workers and volunteers serving full-time. They also continued to move forward with the mission of getting more involved with African refugee work. Currently, Lindsay, Eva and their family are home in Richmond, VA as they prepare for their 2025 assignment in Western Europe where they will continue helping refugees and migrant workers.


Our missionaries that were serving in Kiel, Germany are moving to a location where they can minister to the people of Turkmenistan. This is one of the most closed countries in the world. Please pray for them to be sensitive to God's leading them in ministering towards the people from her home country as they make this change in the near future. The church they started in Kiel is transitioning to a new pastor who will take over this ministry. This church now has people from all over the world, representing over 50 Countries! What a ministry they began to spread His word!

Rev. Jimenez

Reverend Jimenez is a United Methodist Pastor serving in Mexico in the state of Morelos. Pastor Jimenez is rebuilding a church (building, membership, small groups, bible study) and is setting up a “preaching point” in a very poor, remote neighborhood. You can learn more about Rev. Jimenez by clicking HERE.

Rev. Park

Reverend Park is a United Methodist minister in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He lived in Richmond for some time and served as an Associate Pastor at Emmaus UMC. Vietnam is one of five countries that comprise the Virginia Conference’s Partnerships of Hope. Rev. Park recently shared that the work in Vietnam is going well and is slowly moving to grow as an autonomous Methodist Church in this country. 3 new churches were recently added to our network, which now makes the total number of churches, 39. We are also moving into VBS season, so our Education Team will start training local churches to use the VBS materials. For more information on Rev. Park, you may click HERE.

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